Happy Saturday Loves!
MY WINNING PAIR OF JEANS – Fabricmart Challenge
I am so excited to sew at least 3 pairs of jeans over the next 2 months. I have so many items on my sewing list and I just need to stay focus and on task. I will be working on my Spring capsule the month of February and at least 1 pair of jeans and a few other items in between.
This year I plan to sew more and be consistent with my makes. Now that I have to create 1 look each month for 6 months for my Fabric Mart win, I have no choice but to crank up that sewing machine each week.
NOW LET’S get to the POINT!
I would love for you to join me on this challenge, so I am giving away a few yards of stretch DENIM to make your OWN pair of JEANS! This giveaway is a kind gesture to all the ladies who will be participating or plan to sew some jeans in the future. There is no need to follow any pages or be a part of the challenge or like any pictures; all you have to do is complete a quick 2 minute survey. I am exploring the idea of planning a weekend sewcation and I would like to get your feedback before investing my time in planning it.
If more than 10 ladies shows interest in a SEWCATION getaway, YOU will be responsible to book YOUR OWN FLIGHT, reserve YOUR room and bring your tools. I will secure and negotiate the best possible hotel rates and will research and plan a few local excursions. I will NOT be collecting any money but will spend time to get the best deals based on the location that has the most votes. This will allow so many sew sisters to get together, share ideas, tips and techniques and even sew while enjoying a weekend away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. I am bias to Jamaica of course as it is my island home and I can negotiate and secure great hotels rates and plan a few excursions. Also, you can invite a friend who doesn’t even sew and make this a FUN getaway event! I promise that we WILL NOT be sewing for the entire weekend but will make at least 1 simple garment before we leave.
JUST CLICK on the survey LINK and answer just a few questions. Tag another sew sister on instagram and share the link and you will be receive another entry. I will automatically enter your name as an entry if YOU TAG another sew sister. Thanks you so much for you stopping by and hope you are getting ready to make your own JEANS! SURVEY WILL BE CLOSED ON FEBRUARY 21st and I WILL BE SELECTING THE WINNER ON February 22nd. STAY TUNE!
Thanks so much for stopping by and ONE LOVE! Marica