“BAD hair day, ain’t nobody got time for that.”
Imagine an article from the Beyond Beauty series written by stylist and blogger Natalia Oh published in Jamaica Gleaner had me in awwwww with this young lady. Yes, I read her story and I was literally in tears!!!! I immediately shared the story with a few of my closest friends. Following her published story in Jamaica Gleaner, I saw her again showcasing her talent on SMILE Jamaica. What caught my attention was her flawless skin and her beautiful hair. After seeing another article of hers about her product line, I knew then that I had to give it a try on my daughter’s hair.

I had gotten in touch with Christal Ann and asked my friend to purchase 6 sets. YES, I had confidence in her product and wasn’t sure if I would return to Jamaica anytime soon. After trying the product the first week on my damaged perm hair at the time, I was HOOKED.

Soon after, I was using the castor oil and tonic or my daughter’s hair and noticed a HUGE difference. Arielle’s hair wasn’t shedding and was thicker and healthier. The scalp issue was pretty much gone after a month of using the hair tonic consistently. For the past year, during my transition, I have used the hair tonic consistently on my scalp while my hair was still in braids. I have minimal shedding when I removed my braids and I was surprised by the growth. Last summer, I decided to do the BIG chop and wasn’t confident or bold to wear my fro. 6 months later after braids, I am in awww by the growth and thickness.

How I use the Honey Vera products?

I am a big fan of trial and error. I actually received a set of the entire line last summer and currently only uses it when my braids are out. I wash with the shampoo, then deep condition with the oil for the entire day and spray the tonic on my hair. As for my daughter’s hair, we have to use the tonic every other day as it helps with her severe scalp issue. In addition we use the oil 2-3 times a week and braid overnight to lock in the shine.
When styling my hair, I spray the hair with the tonic and use the gel throughout the hair then add the oil after. It seems to work better that way as the tight curls stay moisturized throughout the day.
WE are truly in love with Honey Vera!!!!. She spends hours perfecting her craft and product line, traveling to different events and most importantly listening to feedback and suggestions.
Christal Ann is one phenomenal woman who is truly an artist at heart. Not only does she cooks, paints among other talents, she is a LADY of high esteem and character. I will always support her in all her endeavors as a black woman of talent and strength.
DON’T forget to go check her out on Facebook at Honey Vera JA or on Instagram. Feel free to email her to order your products at honeyveraja@gmail.com
Thanks for reading and please feel free to share your comments below if you have tried her products.
